Ongoing Issues with MOT test in Northern Ireland
As reported in the media https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-51278271 there are some on-going issues around the MOT test in Northern Ireland which is leading to many MOT’s being cancelled and cars with an expiring MOT being able to claim an extension. Details can be found on the Government website here https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/ongoing-issues-mot-test-centres
What to do if you have an MOT appointment?
Anyone scheduled for a car or light vehicle MOT should not attend. All customers, except customers with four year old vehicles and taxis, will be automatically issued an MOT exemption certificate and therefore can continue to drive. The exemption will be recorded in the DVA system and a hard copy will arrive by post in the coming days.
Motorists should continue to book an MOT appointment when they receive their reminder letter. This will ensure they can be issued with a TEC should the DVA need to cancel the appointment. The DVA may call the vehicle for testing earlier than the new expiry date in order to manage demand.
Temporary Exemption Certificates (TECs)
From Monday 27 January, Temporary Exemption Certificates (TECs) will be issued to motorists who have expired or expiring MOTs as a result of the DVA cancelling their MOT appointment. These exemptions will be backdated to 20 January 2020 and extend a vehicle’s MOT certificate by four months.
Getting a TEC
if motorists MOT appointment has been cancelled by the DVA, a TEC will immediately be applied and a copy of the TEC will be posted to the address provided at the time the original MOT test was booked. This will confirm the new expiry date of the MOT certificate
Taxis and four year old cars
Taxi vehicles and four-year-old cars will not be able to benefit of the TEC. This is because four-year-old cars do not have an MOT certificate to extend and legislation does not permit the DVA to issue TECs for taxis. DVA will instead prioritise appointments for those vehicles and for taxis.
These vehicles are being prioritised but are likely to experience delay in getting them booked in.
Further information on this news can be found here